Guidance & Counseling
The Guidance Counseling Department at Dudley Middle School can assist students in the following areas:
- Study and Organizational Skills
- Social Skills
- Anger Management/Conflict Resolution
- Learn strategies to deal with on-going changes in personal and academic life
- Divorce and Separation
- Understand the school to work connection
- Participate in groups that are relevant to student issues
- Understanding the causes, consequences, and strategies to deal with bullying/harassment
Individual Counseling - School counselors provide individual sessions for students to assist with a variety of educational and personal concerns. The primary goal for these sessions is to help students explore their options, make appropriate plans of action, and be successful in following through with their plans.
Group Counseling - In some instances, students help each other by working in small groups with leadership from the counselor. Group counseling allows the students to share ideas about specific issues such as problem solving, career exploration, educational planning, and peer relationships.
Guidance Exploratory - School counselors also meet with students who are assigned to their exploratory classes. These groups can either be small or large, and usually the guidance topic is related to one or more goals and objectives in the Guidance Frameworks. These groups are instructional in nature and focus on topics such as self-concept development, study skills, friendships, health habits, career information, and good citizenship.
Informal "Check-ins" - The counselors do daily check-ins with a large number of students. This can be as simple as seeking the student out in hallways or homerooms or just having a child stop by the office very briefly. The object of check-ins is to ensure that the student is in a good state of mind and organized for learning.
Guidance Counselors
Ms. Lisa Incutto ~ ext. 1107
Mr. Scott Aucoin ~ ext. 1108
School Adjustment Counselor
Mrs. Delia Galloni ~ ext. 1123
School Psychologist
Mr. Carl Strazzullo ~
ext. 1106